Friday 28 November 2008

Coffee Part 1

I returned from the bathroom feeling wrung out, as if I'd been punched a dozen times in the stomach and then flushed down the crapper along with my diarrhoea. I slumped back down at my desk and cradled my head in my hands.

My computer beeped to indicate I'd received a new e-mail and I groaned, sitting up and blinking to try and clear my eyes. As I shifted my guts churned, pain knifing into them as I clenched against a sudden need to pass gas. After a few seconds the pain eased and I felt a burbling sensation as the gas shifted to a different place in my intestine.

I knew it would be back.

The e-mail was flagged as urgent and sent from an anonymiser. I would have pegged it as spam straight away, but it was addressed to me by name and the subject line was "DO NOT DELETE - IMPORTANT MESSAGE" I sighed and opened it, half expecting that it would turn out to be spam anyway.

"The coffee was poisoned. You have less than an hour to live."

I blinked and read it again, then glanced at the empty coffee cup on the corner of my desk.

"Are you alright? You look pale," my colleague asked from her desk a few feet away, brow furrowed.

"Um, yeah..." I lied, looking at her suspiciously. 

After all, it was she who made my coffee.

1 comment:

Axiomatic said...

Neat, although maybe a biiiiiit too scatological there in the first paragraph.

Where you overdose on adverbs again:D

You don't need to tell us you sat down heavily, because everything else around the word heavily already implies heavily. Particularly since you mention slumping.

Other than that, it is a very good piece of suspense, and very "edge of your seat" kind of stuff.